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Exercise 4. Join the sentences using because and Past Perfect Simple. Example: Pete and Sue spent the afternoon shopping. They were worn
out. Pete and Sue were worn out because they had spent the afternoon shop-
1. They left their passports at home. They couldn't cross the frontier.
2. I didn't check the oil for a long time. The car broke down.
3. Alan didn't keep his promise. She was upset.
4. He lost his glasses. He couldn't read the sign.
5. Ron didn't work hard enough during the year. He failed his exam.
6. We didn't pay our telephone bill. The telephone company cut us off.
7. Nick left his wallet in the office. He was angry.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he is going to the park now (at the moment). 2. she is late. 3. are you going to the cinema? 4. he is going to bed. 5. we are going camping.

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