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Заполните пропуски используя past simple or past continuous. 1 Mr Shiao (drive) his taxi when a turtle (fall) from a balcony and (hit) his car.
2Timmy (fly) his kite while Bob (eat) a sandwich.
3At 6 o'clock yesterday they (fly) to Mascow.
4She (call) an hour ago.
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Ответы на вопрос:

1 was driving, fell, hitted
2. was flying, was eating
3. were flying
4. called

1.before you will  leave,don’t forget to shut the windows.

2. i  will phone you as soon as i will arrive in london.

3. please don’t touch anything before the will come.

4. when you  will see brian again, you  won,t recognize.

5. we won,t start dinner until jack  will arrive.

  6. do you will feel lonely without me while i will be away?

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