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Найди ошибку а предложении 1. This women is young and pretty.
2. Would you like any mineral water?
3. The bread smell fresh.
4. How much geese does your Granny have on her farm?
5. There were some sugar in the bowl. 6. Those lamb look old.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. this woman is young and pretty

2. would you like some mineral water

3. the bread smells fresh

4. how much geese does your granny has on her farm

5. there was some sugar in the bowl

6. those lamb looks old


1. this woman is young and pretty

2. would you like some mineral water

3. the bread smells fresh

4. how much geese does your granny has on her farm

5. there was some sugar in the bowl

6. those lamb looks old



Usually i have dinner at home but today me and my boyfriend decided to go out. we went to one very favorite place in our town. we ordered steak and some wine. it was very delicious! the meat was very juicy and the sauce lighted up the taste of it. for dessert i ordered chocolate cake with some ice cream on top of it for myself. my boyfriend could not resist but tried some of it. i can't say he's a big fan of desserts. but i like chocolate and the cake was perfect for me. after that the waiter offered a cup of their original made coffee for free. as i don't like coffee, but my boyfriend does everything i saw for the rest of the evening is him enjoying the coffee. this dinner was the most tasty in my life. and i wish to repeat that again. дала волю своей фантазии, надеюсь твой учитель по не умрет от голода, когда будет читать это :

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