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1. English pupils often leave school at the age of fourteen.
2. The school year always begins on the first of September.
3. English school never begins on Monday.
4. English primary pupils usually have six classes a day.
5. There is no need for the children to take bags, pens, pencils,
rulers, rubbers with them to school on the first school day.
6. Classes in primary school usually begin at nine.
7. Primary pupils have 3 or 4 classes outdoors every week.​

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Ex 2 1 you must (should) take these powders on an empty stomach. 2 bleeding ( blood loss) can cause shock. 3 may i come in, doctor? 4 you must do the exercises every day. 5 students can( may) borrow books from the library. 6 can you do the injections? 7 the nurse must give a hot-water bag( bottle) to a bed-patient. ex. 3 1 who can extract teeth painlessly? 2 must the nurse be very careful with bed patients? 3 what diseases can pass through the mouth and nose? 4 what can cause asphyxia?

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