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3. Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences using them.
1) я бы хотел познакомить Вас с…
2) приятно познакомиться
3) добро на борт
4) давайте пройдем внутрь
5) я жду вас
6) я немного нервничаю
7) сделать все возможное
8) «провалить» работу, потерпеть неудачу
10) не беспокойтесь
11) будьте осторожны
12) попадать в неприятности
13) решительный
14) держать что-то в уме, иметь в виду
4. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.
1) Where are the new crewmembers from?
2) What are their job titles?
3) How does Conrad Cruz feel and why does he feel that way?
4) What advice does the captain give them?

И сам текст (переводить не нужно):
(After knocking at the door of the Captain's Cabin)
C/Off: Captain, Third Mate Conrad Cruz and Third Engineer Manuel
Santos are here, sir.
Capt: Come in. I've been expecting you.
C/Off: Let's go in. Captain, I'd like to introduce you to Third Mate, Mr.
Conrad Cruz and Third Engineer, Mr. Manuel Santos.
Cruz: Nice to meet you. Captain. I'm Third Mate Conrad Cruz from
Manila I am 22 years old and I am determined to do my best.
Santos: Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Third Engineer Manuel Santos.
I'm also from Manila. I am 23 years old and I hope to do my best, too.
Capt: (Shaking hands) Nice to meet you both. I'm Captain Shimoda.
Welcome aboard The Persian Adventure. Please have a seat.
Cruz/Santos: Thank you, sir.
Capt: Is this your first time on a Japanese ship?
Cruz: Yes, it is, and I'm a little nervous. I've never been on such a
large ship.
Capt: Oh, don't worry. Everyone is nervous the first time. Just watch
your step and don't get into any trouble. I expect everyone to work hard,
but if you don't understand something, just ask one of us. In Japan, we
have a saying: «Asking for help is a momentary shame, but never asking
for help is a lifetime shame». The worst situation is when you pretend
that you understand when you really don’t and then you fail to do your
work right.
Cruz/Santos: We'll keep that in mind, sir.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ostankino television tower is a remarkable creation of construction equipment of the 20th century. ostankino tv-tower, the height of which in the moment of completion of its construction amounted 533,3 m, built in moscow by the project of engineer-designer nikolai vasilievich nikitina.the weight of its base - 55,000 tons tolerance of the vertices of wind 11, 65m. today the tower is 540 meters (1999) , which is about 300 m above the building of the moscow university on lenin hills and 215 meters above the famous eiffel tower in paris. despite this height to tip over concrete tower cannot. its centre of gravity do not go out and never goes beyond the area of support.this area is bounded by the ring-the foundation's diameter is 60 meters. and the center of gravity is located at an altitude of 110 meters along the axis of the tower. inside the circumference of the ostankino television tower from top to bottom, as strings, tensioned wire ropes. each of the 150 ropes stretched with the power of 70 tons. in general, the body of the ostankino tower is compressed with the strength of ten and a half thousand tons.

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