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Филь титаник 1 What’s the title of the movie?
2 Who directed the film?
3 When and where does it
take place?
4 Who are the main
characters in the story?
5 What is the film about?
(summarize the story
without telling the ending)
5 What is the film about?
(summarize the story
without telling the ending)
6 Do you recommend this
film? If so, what kind of
people will enjoy seeing
7 What’s your opinion
about it? What rating do
you give it?

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Ответы на вопрос:

We can't go killing each other. мы не можем убивать друг друга. they've cut each other dead. они полностью игнорируют друг друга. it's not like we know each other or have anything in common. это не так, что мы знаем друг друга или у нас есть что-то общее. oh, are we calling each other by our rank now? мы начали называть друг друга по званию? let's tell each other stories. давай расскажем друг другу по одной ? написал только 5 предложений

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