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с заданием С Complete this letter to a magazine with a suitable word in each gap. The first letter has been given.

Dear Editor.

When I read the article Tough Trade in the February edition of your magazine I was very disappointed. You complained that my country has

put unfair (1) ton imports of products

from more (2) deconomies such as the

USA and the EU. You are also unhappy that we use (3)

qto restrict the import of some goods.

However, without those policies, our country would

(4) sto survive and the trading (5)

pwe have would suffer.

Your government gives (6) eto

many of its industries. This financial help means that your farms and factories can produce goods much more cheaply than ours. How can we compete? Also, please don't forget that until my

grandfather's (7) gour country was

a (8) сin your empire. We are still

paying off the (9) dthat you left behind

when we finally won our freedom

For these reasons, the trade restrictions that my

government uses are (10) efor

our economy.

So please - no more complaints! Moses Samkange

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i ( go) to bed at 9 o’clock every day. 2. did you ( watch) tv yesterday evening? 3. when will he ( leave) home for school tomorrow? 4. my little brother ( goes) to work every morning. he ( leaves) home at a quarter past seven. as the office he ( works) at (is) near our house, he ( walks) there. he never ( takes) a bus. yesterday he (did not  go) to work. yesterday he ( got) up at ten o’clock. 5. did they ( have) a pe lesson yesterday? – yes, they did. 6. what did he (buy) at the bookshop yesterday? - he (bought) a book. 7. yesterday my mother (did not  read) magazines because she (was) very busy. she (will read) newspapers tomorrow evening.

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