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Причина об'эднаних церкв, я хз так училка на доске написала

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одэио л и и и т щиищщищзтьтхз ь

1. a special-purpose computer is built for this purpose alone and cannot do anything else.is built  – present simple passive (это настоящее время страдательный залог -   глагол is,   built   - причастие прошедшего времени )    2. they are called the general-purpose computers. are called -present simple passive  3. every computer incorporates hardware and software  incorporates - present simple active ( 3л. ед.ч.) 4. hardware includes machinery and devices and software includes systems and programs  includes- present simple active ( 3л. ед.ч.)  5. memory, where information is kept; is kept -  present simple passive   6. a modem plane carries many heavy electronic apparatus. carries -present simple active (3л. ед. ч.) 7. the smaller the computer, the faster it can work. work-  present simple active

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