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Переведите на язык 1) если бы у меня было время сегодня, то я бы пошёл в кино 2) если я пойду по магазинам(за покупками) я куплю немного еды 3) если она найдёт газету, то она даст её тебе прочитать 4) если бы он был голодным он бы пошёл в ресторан 5) если бы не было бы дождя в прошлое воскресенье, мы бы поехали бы за город 6) если бы он не упустил автобус вчера, он бы не опоздал бы на работу

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) if i had the time today, i would go to the cinema.2) if i go shopping (shopping) i'll buy some food.3) if it finds a newspaper, she will give it to you to read.4) if he was hungry, he would have gone to the restaurant.5) if there would be no rain last sunday, we would go to the city for6) if he had not missed the bus yesterday, he would not be late for work

1)if i had the time today, i would go to the cinema 2)if i go shopping (shopping) i'll buy some food 3) if it finds a newspaper, she will give it to you to read 4) if he was hungry, he would have gone to the restaurant 5) if there would be no rain last sunday, we would go to the city for 6) if he had not missed the bus yesterday, he would not be late for work

Description paintings by marc chagall, "self-portrait with easel"some portraits were painted by the artist marc chagall in 1914. one of them - "self-portrait with the easel." before this 19 years russian painter with jewish roots she studied with many masters the basics of art. from vitebsk to st. petersburg, in the cradle of new trends - paris, the young sculptor creates his own style. it was based on cubism, expressionism and primitivism"self-portrait with easel" creates the first impression of mystery. sitting half-turned artist draws on easel abstract look at the viewer.

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