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Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect. 1. We rushed to the station but it was too late. The train ... just ... (leave).
2. The house (be) very quiet because everybody ... (sleep) it.
3. By the end of the meeting we ... (make) the decision.
4. Last year my family was in France. We ... never ... (be) there before.
5. As I... (clean) my flat, it (not look )untidy.
6. Ann ... just... (get) home when I (phone).
7. She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she ... (see) the film before.
8. My wallet wasn’t in my bag as somebody ... (steal) it.
9. By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies ... (become) independent.
11. ... the mother ... (cook) the dinner by the time of your arrival?
12. I ... (not/invite) Mary to the party because I( not want) to see her.
13. Although he ... ( play) tennis before he (play)very badly yesterday.
14. I received a bad mark because I ... (make) many mistakes in my test.
15. We ... (not/finish) our work in time.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ясобираюсь моей бабушки.у нее небольшая ферма в горах.он находится недалеко от небольшого озера.я пакую рюкзак.моя бабушка говорит, что это холодно ночью и жарко там в течение всего дня, так что я собираюсь взять мой любимый свитер, куртку и желтую футболку и шорты

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