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Артикли. 2. Поставьте артикль там, где необходимо.

1. Several rivers run into … sea at … New York. … most important is Hudson River which flows into … Atlantic Ocean. 2. Let’s go to … shop. I must buy … bread and … milk. 3. … lot of … tourists from … different countries come to … St. Petersburg. They want to see one of … most beautiful cities in ... world. 4. What do you do in … evening? – I often play … chess with my … grandfather. 5. Yesterday at ... lesson of … geography … teacher told us … very interesting … things about … famous travelers. 6. I am thirsty. Give me … water, please. 7. What … bus do you take to get to … work? 8. Whose … pen is this? 9. We have … good library. 10. Our books are in … big bookcases. 11. There is … tea in … glass. 12. Who cooks … dinner in your … family? 13. There is … new school at … corner of our street.

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