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1 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box. catch cost enjoy feel go have live study travel understand
1 Ricki goes
to English lessons twice a week.
2 The US President
in the White House.
3 We always
the bus to work at eight in the morning.
4 This bicycle
over €500.
5 He
playing computer games with his
6 Most people in France
their summer holiday in July and August.
7 Nigel and Bruce
for their exams in the evenings,
8 The moon
round the Earth at 3,683 kilometres per hour.
How do you
today? Are you better?
10 I don't
this question. Can you help me?​

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Ну что? Загрузи фото, и если ответят мне тож отправь

Year  [jɜː] йеа ..вроде так а как точно вам надо, я не понимаю 

Популярно: Английский язык