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HOMEWORK for the following class

1) Answer the questions (orally or in writing)

1. Are you fond of doing sports/playing sports games? 2. What sports/sport games do you practice? 3. How long have you been doing it? 4. What does this sport give you ? (Делает сильным, гибким, выносливым; развивает координацию, мышление, воображение; учит работать в команде; даёт энергию оставаться в форме/хорошо выглядеть) 5. Do you train hard/regularly? 6. Do you always follow your coach's pieces of advice? 7.Do you take part in any competitions? 8. Have you won any prizes? 9. Are you going to continue doing this sport when you grow up?

2)* Make up 8 Special Questions using different tenses with the word combinations from your class work (2 in Present Simple, 2 Past S, 2 Present Continuous; 2 Future Simple) to be HANDED IN

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Ответы на вопрос:

Harry came to his mother one morning and said to her that no one at his school liked him. the teacher's didn't, and the children didn't. even the cleaners and the bus drivers hated him.his mother answered him well,harry.it was such sad news. perhaps he wasn't very nice to them. if a few people didn't like a person it might not be his fault; but if a lot of people didn't, there was usually something wrong with such a person and he really needed to change. harry said to his mother that was good advice.but he was too old to change. he didn't want to go to school.his mother said to harry not to be silly.he had to go. he had things to learn. and besides that, he was the headmaster of the school.'

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