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B. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below centimet, experience, fussy, strong, crew, luck, personnel, gasped, view, wholemeal, heavily
e.g. Lisa doesn't wear contact lenses anymore because she thinks she looks better with glasses
21 We had a spectacular
of the harbour from our hotel balcony
22 My brother is als)
eater, my parents never know what to cook for him
23 Thais have
wills: they always manage to do something if they really want to
24 The wind was blowing and it was raining
25 Helping people who are in need can be a very meaningful
26 Tomorrow is my final test so wish me
27 Doctors say that
bread is good for our health
28 The company needs to employ more security
29 Mike looked at the hidden treasure and
in amazement
30 The
members boarded the space shuttle and prepared for take-off

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Ответы на вопрос:

. Установите последовательность этапов отображённого на схеме процесса. Запишите в ответе порядковые номера этапов.



1) На земную поверхность выпадают атмосферные осадки.

2) Образуется водоносный слой, то есть подземные воды.

3) Вода проходит в глубину через водопроницаемые породы до водоупорного слоя.

4) Вода накапливается над водоупорным слоем, насыщая горные породы, залегающие над ним.

5) Вода просачивается в грунт, увлажняя поверхностный слой.  


well.. Interesting question. I don't want be a reporter like you.  I wanna be a proger. people who coding webFolders, apps, programs. Probably you want ask me, why? Since i was a child i really loved pc games, than i be interested how working pc. After when i was 9 years old I am began learn coding. Yeah, about Do you thing English necessary to my future carrier. Sure! I can say yes. At the moment i am living in "Сюда пишешь город где ты живешь.", and in coding use English terminus like a - include, CPU, GPU. All progers must know English languages


103 слов, я там написал типа ты хочешь стать программистом. Удачи

Популярно: Английский язык