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Unit 2B "The story behind the photo" 1 READING
0 n 4th November 1 arrived in Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention center, but when 1 got there 1 discovered that 1 didn't have my press pass and 1 couldn't go inside. 1 walked around the park outside the center. Although it was November. it was a warm night. The atmosphere was wonderful. When 1 took this photo everybody was looking at the TV screens waiting for the election results. Some ~ people were quietly holding hands and smiling- others were tense and ~ nervous. They felt that it was their moment. Suddenly 1 realized that this ~ was a better place to be than inside. 1 was watching Obama's victory ~ through the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white. "&i "' At about 11 o'clock the results were announced, and everybody went g mad. People started laughing, shouting, and crying. But when Obama ~ made his speech they all became quiet and emotional. There was only ~ one place to be on the planet that night- and 1 was there.
a Look at a photo which news phorographer Tom Pilston took in 2008. What do you think is happening?
b Read Tom's description of what happened on the night he took the phoro. Were you right?
c Read it again and answer the questions.
l Why did Tom Pilston go ro Chicago? 2 Why couldn't he rake a photograph of Obama? 3 What was the weather like? 4 Where did he take rhis photo? 5 Where could the people see rhe election results? 6 Was he sorry that he couldn't go inside the center? 7 What happened when Obama won?
d W hy do you think the phorographer thought his photo was better than a photo of Obama himself? Do you agree?
2 GRAMMAR past continuous
a Look at the highlighted verbs in an extract from the text. Do they describe actions that happened ... ?
a after he took the photo b at the same time as he took the photo
When I took this photo everybody was looking at the TV screens waiting for t he election results. Some people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were tense and nervous.
3 VOCABULARY at, in, on
a Which preposition do you use before ... ?
1 a date (e.g. 4th ovember) __ 2 a time (e.g. II o'clock) _ _ 3 the morning, the afternoon, etc. __ 4 a room or building (e.g. the Convention Center) __
b Check your answers tO a in the text. W hat preposition do you use with ... ?
I a month (e.g. January) __ 2 the weekend
3 home, work, school __
c >- p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 1.
d >-Communication at, in, on A p.lOO B p.l 06. An wer the questions with a preposition and a time or place

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) Why in the world does he goof off all the time?

2) In his opinion, this subject is a real drag.

3) There is no secret to acing a test. You just need to spend a lot of time  reviewing the material.

4) Why does he skip lectures so much instead of preparing for classes?

5) He is going to flunk the test in Math if he doesn't get busy and study hard.

6) My friend batted around a few ideas on what university to enter.

7) I try to help my fellow students out whenever I can.

8) I need to line up an appointment with my tutor by the end of the term.

9) Soon, I felt more relaxed because my parents helped me and I

could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

10) She isn't very realistic ; she thinks to get a university degree is very easy.

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