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Can you 1) think/believe/consider/imagine visiting
a place where ghosts lurk round every 2) turn/
bend/corner/corridor and strange noises go bump
in the night? Well, that's exactly what people say
happens at Chillingham Castle in Northumberland;
England, which 3) goes/dates/sends/ages back to
medieval times.
The most famous ghost is Lady Mary Berkeley, the
wife of Lord Grey of Chillingham. She wanders along
th corridors 4) hunting/viewing/reaching/ looking
for her husband who left her with a broken heart.
Some people say they have heard the rustling
sound of her dress as she walked past them.
Another ghost is 'The Blue Boy'. Many people
5) in/over/between/by the years have seen this
mysterious boy dressed in blue appear suddenly in
front of them.
Chillingham Castle is
very 6) fashionable/
preferred/popular/favourite with ghost hunters
and there are special ghost tours available.
However, it is also a great place to visit for 7) no
one/everyone/someone/anyone who is interested
in history. You can see the medieval Great Hall, the
State Room where Edward I stayed as well as the
dungeons and torture chambers. So, even if you
don't believe in ghosts, it is well worth a visit!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

- следующий, .    - 2 билета, , - куда? - до парка св. джеймса. - в одну сторону билет или в обе? - нет, только в одну сторону, - с вас 6 долларов! - да, !   - 2 билета, . - это 12 долларов! - вот , а на какой  линии мне садиться? - на кольцевой линии - большое -

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