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или боишься. 2 1.39 Complete the key phrases with the words in the
box. Then listen and check. Practise saying the phrases.
think answer right agree sure don't
KEY PHRASES O Comparing answers
1 I think the
is (b).
4 1 - agree.
2 I'm not _. Maybe it's (c). 5 Yes, you're
3 Yes, I - -
6 I don't_so. I think
the answer is (a).​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. answer

2. sure

3. agree

4. don't

5. right

6. think

Мои летние каникулы были замечательными! я проводила все мое время с друзьями. мы часто гуляли по городу, вместе выезжали за город. также я не забывала моим родителям. летом я прочитала много книг, купалась в речке. погода также была превосходной. короче говоря, лето 2013 было для меня незабываемым! my summer holidays were wonderful! i spent all my time with friends. we often walked around the city together, went out of the city. i also do not forget to help my parents. in the summer i read a lot of books, was bathing in a river. the weather was also perfect. in short, summer 2013 was for me an unforgettable experience!

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