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 Yurtimizga qish   kirib keldi. Daraxtlarning  barglari  to'kilib tushdi,  yer oppoq   qorga burkandi. Bu fasl  hamma odamlarga yoqadi, chunki bu faslning shukuhi o'zgacha bo'ladi, bu faslda bolalar  mazza  qilib o'yin o'ynaydilar qorda, va bu  faslda  butun dunyo nishonlaydigan bayram Yangi tyil bayrami bo'ladi. Qish fasli  juda qiziqarli va quvnoq fasl!


Надеюсь вам но я не понимаю


Read the text and complete the gaps with the missing prepositions and connectors. A weekend at my mum’s work Saturdays, when I am free from school, I go to my mum’s work. She works in a flower shop. I like going there, because it is so beautiful there. There are a lot of exotic flowers and palm trees. On Sunday, my mum takes me to her work. She works in a fish market. We always have fresh fish we live near the sea. Every Sunday, sailors come back from their fishing with fresh fish. I love visiting my mum at her bakery. She bakes the most delicious bread, but she never takes it home because my dad is on the diet. On Monday she opens the bakery 2 o’clock, after my school. I often help her.

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