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A excitement B exciting C excited D excite

3 Dolphins are more intelligent ___ chimpanzees.

A as B from C than D to

4 The dentist told me my teeth after every meal.

A to clean B clean C cleaning D cleaned

5 Mercedes ___ a new car. It’s called the Smart car.

A had built B have built C build D building

6 I haven’t seen John 2001.

A for B since C until D before

7 I think your letter is ___ on my desk.

A anywhere B everywhere C nowhere D somewhere

8 I tried ___ the trainers but they didn’t fit me.

A on B in C into D for

9 ___ from Italy?

A Does you come B Am you come C Do you come D Are you come

10 Everyone to learn a musical instrument.

A should B can C must D ought

11 Where can I get ___ information about the sports centre?

A any B an C a D some

12 The hotel by a large fire.

A is destroyed B destroy C was destroyed D destroys

13 The dog is hungry. She ___ something to eat.

A must B has to C can D needs

14 Is that ___ car over there?

A they B their C them D there

15 Paulo is Brazilian, ___ ?

A is he B isn’t he C does he D doesn’t he

16 Ouch! I___ my finger!

A ’m just cutting B had just cut C ’ll just cut D ’ve just cut

17 What’s ___ ?

A your hotel name B your hotel’s name C name your hotel D the name of your hotel

18 The manager will see you Tuesday morning.

A in B on C at D during

19 Next year, I seventeen.

A ’ll be B ’m being C be D can be

20 Nicky ___ a film when the fire started.

A was watching B is watching C watches D will watch

21 ‘Have you ever seen an eclipse?’ – ‘No, I __ :

A didn’t B don’t C hadn’t D haven’t

22 Nathan is very selfish. He never thinks about ___ people.

A every B any C other D some

23 The Mona Lisa __ by Leonardo da Vinci.

A paint B painted C is painted D was painted

24I’m sorry. Peter isn’t here. He ___ out.

A goes B has gone C will go D is going

25 __ help you to carry your suitcase?

A Shall he B Shall they C Shall I D Shall you

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ямогу только всё это перевести 1 .перепишите предложения, подчеркните причастие ii иукажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством иличастью глагола-сказуемого. переведите предложения на язык.1. на валютных рынках обмениваемых национальных валютдруг к другу ..2. великобритания создала торговую сеть во всеммир.3. денежные власти используют случайные опросы.2 .перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните вкаждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. переведите предложенияна язык.1. в состав делегации должен поехать в нью-йорк, чтобы принять участие всеминар по вопросам торговли.2. анархия может к нестабильности международнойбанки, участвующие в операции с иностранной валютой.3. мы могли бы поставить оборудование в течение 12 месяцев с датыиз signind договора.

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