Where can I sign up? Can I ask you a few things about (...)?
What about ...?
What do I need to bring?
How long is ?
Does the price include (...)?
Gemma: Can!! ask you a few things about the
canyoning trip?
Guide: The Blue Canyon one? Sure. What would
you like to know?
Gemma: Well, is it only for people who've already
done it?
Guide: No, you don't need any experience. We
give training with qualified guides, and the
Blue Canyon is fine for beginners.
Gemma: Great! 2.. need to bring? I haven't got
a wetsuit or anything.
Guide: That's OK. We provide a wetsuit, helmet,
shoes and life jacket. Just bring your
swimsuit and towel and some warm
clothes for after.
Gemma: OK, good! How 3... is the trip to Blue
Guide: It's all day, from nine until six.
Gemma: I see. 4... food, then? Does the price 5 2
Guide: Food is included in the price. We look
after everything, so you just enjoy the
Gemma: Wow! It sounds fantastic. Where 6.
sign up?
Guide: Right here!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.b: he has just left for work 2.b: i have played football 3.b: yes,he has studied since 4: 00 4.b: i do not know.i haven't spoken to him since monday. 5.b: i have already cooked dinner 6.b: you have been seeing three films this week. 7.b: yes she has been exercising for 6 months 8.b: yes he has been working at that company for 10 years 9.b: yes,they have been living in spain since 1987 10.b: no, i haven't finished it yet.

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