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She … always … cats. And now she has three at home.
has…been liking
Is Tom still ill? No. He … just …

have been…recovered
has…been recovering
… you … them the contract yet?

Have…been sending
I … this story since morning, but still can't understand some sentences.

have translated
am translating
have been translating
have been translated
Ben … his homework all this time. He … computer games.

haven't been doing…has been playing
has been not doing…has been playing
hasn't been doing…has been playing
has been doing…has played
We finished the work ___ than it had been planned.

A soonest
B sooner
C more soone
This shirt is too big. I need a ___ size.

A smaller
B more smaller
C most smalles
The train was ___ than usual.

A more crowd
B the most crowded
C more crowded
This house is ___ than the one across the street.

A higher
B more high
C the most high
Fred is ___ person I‘ve ever met

A more serious
B the most serious
C more seriously

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Ответы на вопрос:

Мне нравятся веселые монстры. моя любимая игрушка - джут. у джута две большие головы. его волосы длинные. у него три глаза. глаза джута зеленые. у него есть нос. нос этой игрушкой большой. у джута длинные зубы. уши игрушки тоже длинные. у джута три ноги и фоски пальцев. у него четыре руки. я думаю джут великолепен.

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