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РЕШИТЬ ЗАДАНИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ!! Put sentences into reported speech in the form of questions.
1. The mother said, “Do you promise not to play with the ball in the street?” 2. The man asked the clerk behind the counter, “Is it true that train 35 is late?” 3. The porter asked the passengers, “Where is your luggage?” 4. The woman asked the girl, “Does train 17 leave at 6 or at 7 p.m.” 5. The boy asked his mother, “Which plain is ours?” 6. The man asked his friend, “Do you agree to go there by plane?” 7. Mother asked Jane, “What are you doing here?” 8. Ann asked Mary, “What do you usually have for breakfast?” 9. The inspector asked, “Who caused the accident?” 10. Margaret asked Richard, “Where are you going for your holidays?”

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Для решения этой воспользуемся формулой объема цилиндра. первоначальный объем формы соответствующей 400 граммам муки равен: v=πr²h новая форма: h₁=3h r₁=1/2r v₁=π*r₁²*h₁=π(1/2r)²*3h=3/4πr²h составим пропорцию: v₁/v=m₁/m 3/4πr²h/(πr²h)=m₁/400 3/4=m₁/400 m₁=400*3/4=300 грамм муки потребуется чтобы приготовить торт ответ 300 грамм муки

Популярно: Английский язык