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1 All children in Australia have school 2 Children in the outback often liveven fur
3 The pupils who have school online must
1 KET Read the article and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
at home.
A Right
School at home?
B Wrong
C Doesn't say
Have you ever heard of school at home? No, we don't mean
from a school.
doing your homework at home - we mean having all your
lessons at home! Every day in Australia, hundreds of children
A Right
have school in their home! Why? Well
, to answer this question
B Wrong
you should look at the map of Australia. It's very big! Most
C Doesn't say
people in Australia live in towns and cities next to the sea,
but there are also some people who live in the middle of the
study the same subjects as other children
country. The middle of Australia is called the 'outback'. It's very
in Australia.
big and very hot. In the outback, families often live very far
from each other. Many children live hundreds of miles from any
A Right
primary or secondary school! They can't catch the bus or walk
B Wrong
to school. School children in the outback often have to use the
C Doesn't say
internet to study. These pupils have lessons every day. They stay
4 Children in the outback feel very lonely
at home and they go online!
A Right
Children who have school on the internet must study the
B Wrong
same subjects as other pupils in Australia but of course they
C Doesn't say
don't have to wear a uniform! They mustn't forget to do their
5 Some parents are not happy with the
homework every day - just like other pupils.
lessons on the internet.
Every year, the students from the outback meet each other.
A Right
Three or four times a year, for one week, the home-school pupils
B Wrong
travel for many hours to spend time with their teachers and
C Doesn't say
classmates. Peter is a student who studies online. What advice
does he have for home-school pupils? 'That's easy! You should
6 Peter thinks that home-school pupils
have a very good computer! Thanks to your computer you can
must have a good computer.
stay in touch with your teachers and your friends. It's very, very
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn't say​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 wrong

2 right

3 right

4 doesn't say

5 doesn't say

6 right

The bakery is near the bank and the supermarket.
i can buy books at a bookshop

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