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Choose the correct words in italics. A: Hello. I'd like to apply for the job of sales assistant, B: Well, I hope you had ve had the right kind of experience. (1) Did you do/Have you done this kind of job before? A: Yes, I (2) did/have. B: Where? A: Well, I (3) had/ve had some experience in a music shop. B: Oh, really? A: Yes. I (A) worked/ve worked there two years ago. B: (5) Were you/Have you been a sales assistant? A: No, I (6) wasn't/haven't. I (7) was/ve been a cleaner. B: Oh, I'm sorry. We need someone who (8) had/'s had experience as a sales assistant.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)somehow i think you're  getting by  fine.так или иначе, думаю, вы  отделаетесь штрафом. 2)we've got to  get off  this ship.нам нужно  убираться с  этого корабля. 3)often these boys work in the area whilst trying to  get on  a ship to europe. часто эти мальчики работают в портовом районе, пытаясь  попасть на  корабль, идущий в европу.4)experts can  get around  this by putting packages on "hold" in aptitude. эксперты могут  обойти  это установив на пакеты флаг «5)barely enough time to  get in  and out. времени на то, чтобы  войти  и выйти в обрез.как то так)

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