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написать сочинение по английскому языку. Текст должен быть размером 120-180 слов, не меньше и не больше. Темы: а)ужасный день,который был у Вас или у кого-то
б)что-то необычное или интересное ,что произошло с Вами или с кем-то
в)восхитительное событие ,которое вы никогда не забудите

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Ответы на вопрос:

So, it was one of the worst and strangiest days I have ever had.

I just woke up in the morning, and figured out that I had overslept. As I didn't want to listen to my teacher who would certainly punish me, I decided not to go to school. Well, I went to the kitchen and saw that there were a mess. I couldn't get who did it. Anyways, I had to clean the kitchen. I had been cleaning it being very angry with a person who dared to do it. But the truth is, unfortunately, I didn't know who it was. But I knew for sure that I would revenge him. Then I opened the fridge, because I was hungry and I really wanted to eat. Again, there was a trouble: nothing was in the fridge. I became as angry as I have never been before.

Some time went by, and my older brother came home. He was quite happy, but I couldn't get why. But when I knew the answer, I had to make a choice if I became more angry or more surprised. He said he had done this mess in the kitchen and yet, he had stolen all the food from the fridge. Would you ask "why?". He said he had just wanted to tease me.

So, it probably was one of the days I would never like to have one more time.

So, it was one of the worst and strangiest days I have ever had.

I just woke up in the morning, and figured out that I had overslept. As I didn't want to listen to my teacher who would certainly punish me, I decided not to go to school. Well, I went to the kitchen and saw that there were a mess. I couldn't get who did it. Anyways, I had to clean the kitchen. I had been cleaning it being very angry with a person who dared to do it. But the truth is, unfortunately, I didn't know who it was. But I knew for sure that I would revenge him. Then I opened the fridge, because I was hungry and I really wanted to eat. Again, there was a trouble: nothing was in the fridge. I became as angry as I have never been before.

Some time went by, and my older brother came home. He was quite happy, but I couldn't get why. But when I knew the answer, I had to make a choice if I became more angry or more surprised. He said he had done this mess in the kitchen and yet, he had stolen all the food from the fridge. Would you ask "why?". He said he had just wanted to tease me.

So, it probably was one of the days I would never like to have one more time.

задерганный — затеребленный, измученный, заезженный, загнанный, затурканный Словарь русских синонимов. задерганный прил., кол во синонимов: 10 • загнанный (25) • задёрганный …   Словарь синонимов

задерганный — ЗАДЁРГАННЫЙ ая, ое. ган, а, о. Разг. Утомлённый, измученный. З. человек. З ая учительница. ◁ Задёрганность, и; ж …   Энциклопедический словарь

загнанный — См …   Словарь синонимов

заезженный — неоригинальный; затрепанный, истертый, затурканный, измученный, затраханный, взмыленный, изнуренный, вымотанный, переутомленный, истомленный, избитый, без задних ног, стертый, как выжатый лимон, задерганный, утомленный, усталый, запаренный,… …   Словарь синонимов

затурканный — запуганный, загнанный, затюканный, затравленный, задавленный, заезженный, задерганный, заклеванный, забитый Словарь русских синонимов. затурканный см. забитый Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.: Русский язык …   Словарь синонимов

измученный — См. слабый... Словарь русских синонимов и сходных по смыслу выражений. под. ред. Н. Абрамова, М.: Русские словари, 1999. измученный бессильный, слабый; издерганный, смаянный, взмыленный, сглоданный, замордованный, в мыле, умаянный, изведенный,… …   Словарь синонимов

задёрганность — и, ж. Состояние по знач. прил. задерганный …   Малый академический словарь

задёрганный — ая, ое. 1. прич. страд от задергать1. 2. в знач. прил. разг. Измученный. Задерганный человек …   Малый академический словарь

ЗАДЁРГАННЫЙ — ЗАДЁРГАННЫЙ, задёрганная, задёрганное; задёрган, задёргана, задёргано (разг.). прич. страд вр. от задергать во 2 знач. Лошадь, задерганная пьяным возницей. || только полн. Обессилевший от беспрерывных нервных потрясений, измученный

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