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Exercise 6. Supply the following sentences with the Future Perfect Tense form of the verbs in brackets, form negatives and questions. Work in pairs. 1. I am sure they ... (complete) their work by the summer.

2. He says that before he leaves he ... (see) the performance.

3. By this time next month the national team ... (finish) its

preparation for the championships.

4. By September first I ... (write) my paper for the conference.

5. By this time next year, you ... (forget) all your present troubles.

6. A century from now, wars, I hope ... (become) a thing of the past.

7. When you are of my age, you ... (learn) much about people and

their weaknesses.

8. He … (finish) his warm-up by the time the coach comes.

9. This work … (be) completed by the weekend.

10. The workout … (be) over soon.

11. The athletes … (finish) their training session by 12 o’clock.

12. The race … (be) won by this runner.

13. The swimmer … (master) all the strokes by the end of the year

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I am sure they will have completed their work by the summer.

2. he will have seen

3. team will have finished

4. I will have written

5. you will have forgotten

6. will have become

7. you will have learned

8. He will have finished

9. work will have been

10. workout will have been

11. athletes will have finished

12.race will have been won

13. swimmer will have mastered

1. there is a wardrobe, a writing-table and a bed in my room.2. there are no computers in your school,  are there ? 3. your grandparents live with you, don't they? 4. it's half past three according to my watch.5. they always try to spend holidays together.6. it doesn't  usually snow in summer in our region.

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