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1.Сэр Фрэнсис Дрейк наиболее известен своим кругосветным плаванием в рамках одной экспедиции с 1577 по 1580 .
2. Он отправился в Америку за новыми сокровищами.
3. Фрэнсис был посвящëн в рыцари в сентябре 1580 года .​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Sir Francis Drake is best known for his voyage around the world on a single expedition from 1577 to 1580.

2. He went to America for new treasures.

3. Francis was knighted in September 1580.

I’d like to live in a caravan because I could travel with my home to differenet places.

Living in a caravan is cheaper than living in an ordinary house.

There are all modern conveniences in modern caravans.

Although I wouldn’t like to live there my whole life.

On the one hand it is like an endless adventure.

But on the other hand it would be difficult to live there when I have a family.

That’s why I'd only live there for a few years.


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