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1/ Вставьте слова в предложения: peaceful,dumpers,unpleasant,sandy,agreement,hopeless,discomfort,disappear.

1) We felt a great.. because of Rob’s behavior.

2) More and more species of animals…from our planet every day.

3) Our…is like this: they should finish everything by the end of August.

4) Yesterday we saw two…s in the forest. They left a lot of plastic bags in the picnic place.

5) That was a…idea. I was sure we couldn’t do that.

6) The bank of the river was…and very inviting (манящий).

7) He has a very…face, we didn’t like the man at all.

8) The countryside looked…

2. Вставьте недостающие буквы.

n.t.re, p.ll.tion, red..e, d.st.oy, rec.cle

3. Используйте is или are.

1) Animals … disturbed.

2) Water … polluted.

3) Birds … not fed.

4) Nature … damaged.

5) Trees … cut down.

6) Air … spoilt.

4. Составьте предложения.

1) must, protect, we, nature.

2) think, I, can, children, animals, help.

3) is, it, important, the Earth, to save.

4) be in charge, should, we, of the planet.

5) healthy, people, keep, must, our planet.

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