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С АРТИКЛЯМИ ПО АНГЛУ ответы начиная с 4 1. She hurried in again and found (__) water almost boiled away. (Lnd) 2. ...(__) blood is thicker than (__) water. (Gls) 3. She went about looking into The dining room, which… had been transformed into a kind of jewel box glowing with (__ )flowers, ( __) silver, (__) gold, (__) tinted glass. (Dr) 4. Rosa tasted __ wine. It was harsh but refreshing. (Mrd) 5. You drank _ wine with breakfast, dinner and supper, and fifty people always drank it with you. (/. Sh) 6. She looked with __ eager, hungry eyes at __ bread and __ meat and __ beer that __ landlady brought her. (El) 7. ...Willows replied that he had made friends with __ sculptor in Pisa... and had commissioned this artist to make __ bust of himself in __ marble. (Hrd) 8. __ coffee was better than Dinny had hoped and very hot. (Gls) 9. Without giving her __ opportunity to protest any more, he went to __ telephone and ordered __ coffee and several sandwiches. (Cld) 10. She wears __ little sailor hat of __ black straw that has long been exposed to __ dust and soot of London. (Sh) 11. The mother was yellow in colour and her skin resembled __ leather. (Mrd) 12. The maid brought in __ pears, __ cold chicken, __ tongue, __ cheese. (Sn) 13. My heart... felt as heavy as __ lead. (Du M) 14. Every meal was __ bread and ___ coffee and __ cigarettes, and now he had no more bread. (Sr)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Wonderful weather i like to watch the way the wind can spin a weather vane. i like to wear my big blue boots to splash with in the rain. i like to ride my bright red sled on cold snowy days. i like to feel the sun's warm rays when i wade in the ocean waves. wind, rain, snow, and sun every kind of weather is wonderful and fun! перевод: чудесная погода мне нравится смотреть, как ветер может вращать флюгер. мне нравится носить мои большие синие сапоги выплескивать под дождем. мне нравится ездить на своих ярких красных салазках в холодные снежные дни. мне нравится чувствовать теплые лучи солнца когда я пробираюсь в океанские волны. ветер, дождь, снег и солнце всякий вид погоды замечательно и весело!

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