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с английским: 1)At that very moment tomorrow hea clinical practice. That’ll be an essential event in his life.
a. was having

b. is having

c. has

d. will be having
2)Now Jillabout taking a gap year before she goes to University.
a. will be thinking

b. are thinking

c. is thinking
3)Now the volunteersall the participants of the festival.
a. will be registering

b. were registering

c. are registering
4)Hethe Net the whole night yesterday and now he looks very sleepy.
a. will be surfing

b. were surfing

c. are surfing

d. was surfing
5)The Academic Councilnew examination regulations at the meeting tomorrow.
a. will be discussing

b. was discussing

c. discussing
6)The babyin her sleep when Anny entered the room.
a. was smiling

b. am smiling

c. is smiling

d. will be smiling
7)Local Authoritiesthe regulations protecting natural habitats for animals in the region next week.
a. will be discussing

b. discussing

c. were discussing

d. is discussing
8) Stand there. Theythe guard in a minute and you'll get a good view.
a. were changing

b. will be changing

c. will changing

d. is changing
9)When you next see me Ia student's uniform.
a. was wearing

b. will be wearing

c. am wearing

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Wifes series safes data criterion species analyses

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