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d) Complete the paragraph
about Tim's Saturday. Use
the present simple form
of the verbs in the box.
Вс слова: Start, listen, sing
go, teach, read,
not get, not get up.

On Saturday mornings, Tim gets up at 8.30.
At 9.15 he drives to the coast and he ¹on the beach for an hour.
At 11 o'clock he² reads the newspaper and ³ to the radio. In the afternoon two students come to Tim's flat
and he ⁴ them to play the
guitar. The lessons ⁵
at 3.30 and they ⁶
at 4.30. On Saturday
nights Tim ⁷ in a pop group at a local club. He and his friends⁸ a lot of money for this job, but they really enjoy doing it. Tim ⁹ to bed at about
1.30, so he ¹⁰ early on Sundays.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

The english king  richard the lion heart  was a tall, strong man. he was very proud of his strength and liked to show people how strong he was. once, as he was riding on horseback in the countryside, his horse lost the shoe. luckily he was not far from a village and soon a blacksmith was found. “give me a good horseshoe,” richard said to the man. a horseshoe was given to the king. richard took it in his hand and broke it in two. “this horseshoe is no good,” he said, “give me a better one.” the blacksmith did not say a word. the other horseshoe was given to the king, but richard broke it, too. the blacksmith gave him a third shoe. this time richard was satisfied and the blacksmith was ordered to shoe his horse. when the work was done, richard offered the man a coin.  the blacksmith took the coin between his fingers and broke it in two. now it was richard’s turn to be surprised. he took a larger coin out of his pocket and handed it to the blacksmith. the man broke it, too, saying: “this coin is no good, give me a better one”. richard smiled and gave the man a gold coin. король  ричард  львиное  сердцебыл высоким, сильным мужчиной. он гордился своей силой и любил показывать людям, как силён он был. однажды, когда он проезжал на лошади по сельской местности, его конь потерял подкову. к счастью, он находился неподалёку от деревни и вскоре был найден кузнец. «дай мне хорошую подкову», - сказал ричард мужчине. подкову дали. ричард взял её в руки и разломал надвое. «эта подкова не хорошая, - сказал он, - дай мне получше». кузнец не сказал ни слова. ему дали другую подкову, но и её ричард разломал. кузнец дал третью подкову. на этот раз ричард был удовлетворён и приказал кузнецу подковать его лошадь. после того, как работа была сделана, ричард предложил мужчине монету. кузнец взял монету между пальцев и разломал её надвое. теперь настала очередь ричарда удивляться. он достал из кармана монету большего размера и протянул её кузнецу. мужчина разломал её, говоря: «эта монета не хороша, дай мне получше». ричард улыбнулся и дал ему золотую монету.

Популярно: Английский язык