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Переведите на : a) у меня нет ручки, дай мне твою, . b) поддержи его. c) его родители- хорошо образованные и независимые люди. d) в этой программе много ошибок. e) твои книги на тех полках. f) это его любимый предмет в университете.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) i have not go a pen, give me yours, please. b) support him. c) his parrents are well-educated and independent people. d) this programme has a lot of errors. e) your books are on those shelves. f) it is his favourite subject in the university.

1.4 penguins have to be able to live in the some of 1.4__ b)the earths'__coldest and windiest conditions. 1.5 they are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect 1. c)them__from the bitter cold.

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