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напишите 5 развернутых предложений с 5 словами: philosopher, detailed, accurate, geogolist, engineer

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Ответы на вопрос:

The philosopher Plato once said, Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

If our offer suits you, please visit us to discuss the details.

My dear Krasis, I must work out our landing coordinates as accurately as possible.

 I'm an engineer, and naval ordinance just happens to be my subject.

философ, детальный, точный, геолог, инженер(перевод)


Pushkin the great philosopher.

Mom bought me a detailed designer

My dad is accurate and always hits the mark

my uncle and my aunt are geologists this profession is very interesting

My grandfather and dad work in the engineering oil factory

hiking - туризм

sunbathing - загорать

swimming - плавать

fishing - рыбачить

sailing - мореплавание

scuba - акваланг

diving - водолазное дело ( дайвинг)

white water rafting - спуск по горным рекам

jet skiing - катание на водных лыжах

windsurfing - виндсёрфинг ( почти как сёрфинг, только у доски есть парус)







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