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Заполните пропущенные предлоги обозначенные троеточиями в этом отрывке из статьи замените пропущенные предлоги в этом отрывке из текста: вам понадобятся семь из следующих восьми предлогов: at, by, for, in, of, on, out, up. However, the story...
the monster was not very well-
one simple reason: Loch Ness is a very long way...
Britain. Until the age...
the railway, very few people ever went...
Scotland except soldiers or
the cities...
the Scottish
Lowlands. No-one else had any reason...
go there: the North...
Scotland was wild and
desolate, wet and generally cold, and inhabited more...
sheep than...
The myth became big news...
1930; three men, out...
a boat...
the lake, said
that they had seen a monster. Immediately, several other people said that they had seen one too...
a man took the first "photo"...
the monster,...
a distance...
about 100 metres.
The photo was not clear, but Kodak said that the photo was real. The most famous photo...
all was
a London surgeon; it seems...
show a long neck and a small
head sticking... ... ...
the water. "Nessie" - if the photo is real - looks something
like a dinosaur.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Объяснение: не знаю сорри

1. if you don`t stay in bed for a couple of days at least, you`ll never feel better. 2. kate was standing in front of the mirror when somebody knocked at the door. 3. he has only a few mistakes in that big test. 4. he has been much interested in politics lately. 5. his horse had been lame so he had to finish journey on foot. 6. you have cut your finger. look, it`s bleeding. put a plaster on it. 7. when he had finished packing the furniture the whole room was in a mess.

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