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Look-alike 6
Imagine you see an excited crowd of people outside a new sports shop There's
someone inside the shop I's David Beckham, You run to get his autograph, but
you can't That's because it's not the real David Beckham - it's a professional
Professional look alikes are people who look like famous stars
They make a living from appearing at parties, events and
sometimes in advertisements. Andy Harmer is David
Beckham's best look alike. He doubles for David Beckham on
TV commercials and films. He can also play football well
and he makes appearances with the real Davidl He looks
so much like the famous footballer that he is a success
wherever he goes. But he doesn't just look like Beckham
his voice is similar to David's too.
As David Beckham's look-alike, he travels the world and
meels lots of David's fans. Andy likes what he does, but it's not
as easy as it seems. He has to keep fit and copy Beckham's now
hairstyles all the time. But it's all worth it when the fans see him!
SRS Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false)
or DS (doesn't say).
1 David Beckham doesn't give autographs.
2 Andy Harmer is a professional footballer
3 You can see Andy on television,
4 Andy and David sometimes appear together,
5 Andy doesn't talk like David Beckham.

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Ответы на вопрос:


2)these, that


4)this, this

5)those, these

6) these


если не правильно сори

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