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These are some tips on how to make penpal friends on the Internet. in to a social networking site and create an account with your friendly photo.

Introduce yourself: say a little about yourself, who you are, where you are from and why you want to be a friend.

Talk about your hobbies: find some  interests that you share. You can join different sport clubs at penpal.com and meet teens from around the world. For example, you can talk about your favourite subjects and books you like reading.

Ask some questions about their life: ask about their family or school friends or about their favourites - food, drinks, music, cinema.

Talk about your plans for the future: ask what they are going to do on holidays or at the weekends. For example, if you plan to go to a football match or a  write about it. You will find the topic of conversation.

Sign off the letter: thank them for reading it and let them know how to contact you. Tell that you are looking forward to seeing them

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Бабушка - мастерица

Ткет ковёр алаша.

Радуга в небе искрится!

До чего же земля хороша!

| (что?) радуга - существительное.

Н.ф.: радуга.

|| Постоянные признаки: нарицательное, неодушевленное, женский род, 3 склонение.

Непостоянные признаки: единственное число, именительный падеж.

||| искрится (что?) радуга (подлежащее)

| искрится (в чём?) в небе - существительное.

Н.ф.: небо.

|| Постоянные признаки: нарицательное, неодушевленное, средний род, 2 склонение.

Непостоянные признаки: единственное число, предложный падеж.

||| искрится (где?) в небе (обстоятельство _._._)

any politician who wants to win, should be the personality. he / she should have the will to win and desire to have the power. he / she should exercise the power not for the personal needs, and for situation improvement in the country and for achievement of definite purposes. the good politician should be able and like to risk, if he or it wants to win. he / she should be capable to make non-standard decisions and to endow some people from the teams. if the good politician sees that some people can't well carry out the duties, it should replace these people and forget about how it was heavy. the politician who can't replace people, when necessary, will lose. for the politician it is very important to have good advisers, but he / she is responsible for decision-making (and). though some people say that the politician at whom clever advisers, itself it is not clever! political decisions can be ruthless for some people, but benefit the majority of people. therefore the good politician should be ready to make ruthless decisions. the politician who adheres to one strategic line, without updating the ideas, long in policy won't hold on. but on the other hand, people can tell that it has no will of anything to finish. any image maker can't help the person who from itself doesn't represent anything. it is impossible to improve "anything". image makers and advisers can add only 15-20 % to image of the politician. the power should be used by the politician not for the power, but for achievement of definite purposes.

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