18.07.2020 05:51
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Сообщение про хим костюмы, кратко слов на заранее

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(59 оценок)

Костюм химической защиты  комплект средств индивидуальной защиты кожных покровов, защищающий тело человека от факторов, возникающих при перевозке опасных грузов на судах, железнодорожном, автомобильном, авиационном транспорте, в местах складирования и перевалки грузов,

Объяснение:я незнаю это тебе илиже нет но я пытался зарания незачто

4,5(17 оценок)

Специальные 1) what did the colonial state assert?   2) how did the colonial state justify its claim? 3)   when did neo-liberal policies support large-scale transfers of state land into the hands of private individuals and legal entities?   4) who wanted to stop their workers from absconding? 5) why did the state think about the role of managing the migration of workers between and within colonies? 6)why has such a destruction of complex socio-economic networks of kinship and neighbourhood been likened to 'a man with a stick breaking spiderwebs in a forest? альтернативные 1) was it the most infamous or the best example of controlled population movement   the south africa?   2) did africans or europeans occupying land redesignate under the group areas act? 3) was this land forcibly or voluntarily cleaned from such 'black spots”? 4) did the state think or forget about the role of managing the migration of workers between and within colonies?   5) have neo-liberal or old-liberal  policies supported  large-scale transfers of state land into the hands of private individuals and legal entities?  

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