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Read the text "Circle of friends" and drag the words to complete i support
+ hands
This is my picture showing a "Circle of Friends". I won in the "Best Image" competition. It's me Sally in the top cer
the painting. I have eight close friends. In this picture we are holding 3 4 . It means we have a strong bond an
want to be friends forever.
In this picture we are children, but we have been friends for 10 years. I wanted to draw us as kids because this is
our started. We went to the same kindergarten, but now some of us study in different cities. On holidays
meet in our home city and spend time together. We tell the news and share secrets.
My friends are very kind and positive people. We are all different but we have a lot in common. We have fond
memories from kindergarten and school. Best thing about friendship is to have close people who understand ar
you any time. I love my friends!

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4,5(84 оценок)

Ну бич ненавидит вас? Сори я не знаю я в 4 классе не бань только

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