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It's not the biggest canyon in the world, but the Sharyn Canyon in Kazakhstan is a spectacular example of natural beauty The Sharyn River, which flows from the Tien Shan Mountains down through the steppe, formed the canyon that is located 200 kilometres from Almaty. The 80-kilometre-long canyon, with its fresh water, trees and many hiding places in the rocks, is an oasis in the difficult environment of the surrounding steppe. The breathtaking scenery is amazing! • If you're fascinated by nature, then the Sharyn Canyon is an ideal destination. There are many types of wildlife here, including steppe hares, foxes, Menzbier's marmots, snakes, lizards and the Gymnodiptychus dybowskii fish. Rare ash trees grow at the bottom of the valley and there is an ancient Ice Age forest nearby. The Sharyn valley is also a geologist's dream. Over thousands of years, the strong winds of the steppe have formed many interesting shapes in the rocks. One part of the canyon, the Valley of the Castles, has rocks that look like buildings! The canyon is very colourful, with striped red cliffs above black volcanic rocks. At sunset everything changes, with mysterious shadows moving across the floor of the canyon. Visiting the Sharyn Canyon is an unforgettable experience that has something for everyone.

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После публикации прогнозов о будущем американского инженера Джона Элфрета Уоткинса, сделанных им в 1900 году, Би-би-си обратилась к читателям с предложением поделиться своими мыслями и предположениями о том, как изменится жизнь на планете через 100 лет.

Прогнозы Уоткинса в начале ХХ века казались странными и почти невозможными, но большая их часть оправдалась.

Футурологи Иан Пирсон (ИП) и Патрик Такер (ПТ) комментируют предположения читателей о том, как будет выглядеть мир в 2112 году.

Posle publikatsii prognozov o budushchem amerikanskogo inzhenera Dzhona Elfreta Uotkinsa, sdelannykh im v 1900 godu, Bi-bi-si obratilas' k chitatelyam s predlozheniyem podelit'sya svoimi myslyami i predpolozheniyami o tom, kak izmenitsya zhizn' na planete cherez 100 let.

Prognozy Uotkinsa v nachale KHKH veka kazalis' strannymi i pochti nevozmozhnymi, no bol'shaya ikh chast' opravdalas'.

Futurologi Ian Pirson (IP) i Patrik Taker (PT) kommentiruyut predpolozheniya chitateley o tom, kak budet vyglyadet' mir v 2112 godu.

After the publication of predictions about the future of the American engineer John Elfret Watkins, made by him in 1900, the BBC asked readers to share their thoughts and assumptions about how life on the planet will change in 100 years.

Watkins' predictions at the beginning of the twentieth century seemed strange and almost impossible, but most of them came true.

Futurists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) comment on readers' speculations about what the world will look like in 2112.

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