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написать ответное письмо на это: From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]; [email protected]

Subject: Our next meeting

Dear Rik & Sandra,

Many thanks for your latest mail and your useful ideas about our investment options.

Our investment plan will certainly be the main focus of our next meeting, which is scheduled for 14th June.

I'm attaching the draft agenda here for your information.

If there are any points you'd like to add, please let me know.

Looking forward to seeing you both on 14th June.

Best wishes,

Ya Ling

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Ответы на вопрос:

Pandas live most of the zoo. there are only about 300 of them left. so you need to take these animals. the pans eat leaves and different fruits. they are very fluffy and if you kill a panda there will be a fine of 1000000 million rubles. take care of nature! перевод: панды живут в основном из зоопарка. их осталось около 300 человек. поэтому вам нужно взять этих животных. кастрюли едят листья и разные фрукты. они пушистые, и если вы убьете панду, то будет штраф в 1000000 миллионов рублей. беречь природу!

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