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An Internet site is asking for readers to send them short stories with the title 'A very strange tale'. Write your story for the website (120-180 words).
1 What are you being asked to write?
2 Who is going to read it?
3 What could it be about?
a a horrible day that you/someone else had recently
b something unusual or interesting that happened to you/someone else
с an exciting event that you'll never forget

Как нужно писать сочинение:
Stories can be written in the first person (I/we) or the third person (he/she/they) and can be about real or imaginary events. A variety of past tenses are used. A good story includes: an introduction (Para 1) that sets the scene (introduces the characters, says when/where the events happened, etc.) a main body (Paras 2-3) that develops the story, giving the events in the order they happened and describing the climax event (the most important event in the story). Appropriate linking words (then, as soon as, while, etc.)... should be used to show the sequence of events, a conclusion (Para 4) that says what happened at the end of the story and describes the characters' feelings and reactions. To make your story more interesting, you should use a variety of verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Do not use simplistic ones like nice, good, bad, well, etc.

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Популярно: Английский язык