03.02.2020 08:49
Есть ответ 👍

8 ** Put the adjectives in brackets in
How are you went to the cinema last week to
Watch the new wave the past li was
(vood) than evected. I didn't
think the new would be as )
entertainio) as the original, but it was great
The pots ar but a bit)
(slow) than in the original cartoon The steny has
the same characters, but some of them are
Interestino) because the
actors are great! There are also lots of special
effects which make its) (modern)
In the cartoon the beast was definitely
a) anon) and )
(cany) and Gaston was a lot 8)
(nice), especially at the beginning of the story
Overall, I think the original 18 it little
(enjoyable) but the new film is
definitely worth watching
Let me know what you think​

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4,8(91 оценок)

прилив не повлияет на осадку корабля (он не влияет ни на значение силы тяжести, ни на значение силы архимеда), корабль поднимется вместе с водой, поэтому положение верёвочной лестницы по отношению к воде останется прежним, она будет едва касаться воды.

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