28.04.2020 19:08
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Определите силу тока I, проходящего через реостат, изготовленный из никелиновой проволоки (ρ= 0.4 Ом*мм2/м), длиной l = 50 м и площадью поперечного сечения S= 2 мм2, если напряжение на зажимах реостата равно U = 45 В.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(44 оценок)

Найдём сопротивл. проволоки: R=p*L/s=0.4*50/1=20ом

Найдём ток I=U/R=45в/20=2.25а  

ответ:ток черезреостат =2.25а


ответ моет быть не верным!

4,6(33 оценок)

my family is not big.i christine. i am 11 years old and i study at a secondary school. i'm tall. i love to dance and mother's name is nataliya yurievna. her 38 years., and she works as a stylist in the store. my mother is very stylish and very dad's name is dmitriy. his 41 year, and he works in the office. my father was very strict and very smart. he loves to play board games, and we often with them in their grandmother did not live together with us, but she came to me every day. and on this i come to it every weekend and holidays. we are walking a her dog and then i read my favorite book of fiction. i go to sleep about 12 hours on the weekends and during the 10 on so happened that my parents got divorced, and i live alone, in a place with my mother.i really want to live with my grandmother. we are friendly with my grandmother and very well get along.

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