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А Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. 0 She wants a (black, small) small black handbag for her birthday.
1 I bought a pair of (leather, Italian, fashionable) shoes.
2 His new-born sister has got (dark brown, short, beautiful) hair.
3 Who did you get these (bright red, horrible, woollen) socks from?
4 I thought the film was boring but John liked the (British, young) actress very much.
5 One day I would like to buy a (big, comfortable, Russian) car.

В Underline the correct alternatives in the text.
I am always (0) amazing/amazed at how much teenagers enjoy watching TV. One of my younger brother’s favourite programmes is Big Brother. He believes it is one of the most (1) fascinating/fascinated programmes on TV. When there is nothing to see Tom gets (2) depressing/depressed. Our parents are (3) worrying/worried about him because he spends too much time in front of the TV screen. However, I think watching TV is only a (4) relaxing/relaxed activity for Tom. I hope he will soon find a different hobby.

C Complete the sentences with relative pronouns who/that/which/where/whose if it is necessary.
0 I have a new skirt that/which/- I really like.
1 I know many people in Finland speak excellent English.
2 I never go to shops the prices are too high.
3 There aren’t any restaurants serve good food in this city.
4 My sister has a boyfriend cat doesn’t drink milk at all.
5 Some people I know go to church every Sunday.
6 I like boys are handsome and have a good sense of humour.
Total 15

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Ответы на вопрос:

I'd like to tell you about one of my weekends. my last weekend was really great. my father decided to go fishing, so we got up very early and went to the lake. it was very nice there. the weather was good and it was warm. we took our fishing rods and began fishing. it was very quiet. i caught many fish. the biggest one was as big as a hamster. after that we swam in the lake and sunbathed. in the afternoon we went back home.   when we got home my mother cooked a very tasty fish soup. so that was my last weekend.я хотел бы рассказать вам об одном из моих выходных. мой прошлый выходной был действительно отличным. мой папа решил пойти на , поэтому  мы встали рано и пошли в озеро. там было хорошо. погода была хорошая, было тепло. мы взяли наши удочки,  и начали ловить рыбу. было тихо. я поймал много рыбы. самая большая была размером с хомяка. после этого мы плавали в озере и загорали. днем мы возвратились домой. когда мы возвратились домой, моя мама приготовила вкусную уху. вот таким  был мой прошлый выходной.

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