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What furniture and equipment are like, etc. What school subjects are more important for you and why?
what it looks like (modern, large /
how many people can work there at a time;
- if there is anything you'd like to change;
if there are any exhibitions of pupils' works in it;
school and school subjects. Describe the school building and classrooms in it
Write a letter to your English-speaking friend telling him / her about your
- What type of composition should you write?
Who is going to read your work?
how the walls are decorated;
Checklist questions:
What style should you use?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

A: this is my ticket. it’s a bus ticket. — это мой билет. это билет на автобус. b: where are you going? – куда ты едешь? a: i’m going from novgorod to moscow. — я еду из новгорода в москву. b: what time does the bus leave? — в какое время отходит автобус? a: half past eight. – в 8: 30. b: when does it arrive in moscow? — когда он прибудет в москву? a: it arrives at quarter past eleven. — он прибывает в четверть двенадцатого.

Популярно: Английский язык