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Вставьте слова слова которые нужно вставить
1)She sold her car at a really reasonable
2)The total of the holiday was 30000
3)This hotel is lovely and cheap too,so it great for money
4)I entered a competition online and won two hundred euros of computer games
слова которые нужно вставить
5)My uncle gets on flights because he works at the airport
6)A:I bought this jacket for 50
B:What a
7)All the dresses at The Dressmaker are on this weak.We should go.
8)Do you like my trainers?I got them in the
9)You should get down to Style Store.It's got some great special

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. price

2. cost

3. worth

4. value

5. discounts

6. bargain

7. sales

8. sale

9. offers

1.wаs preparing  my dinner in the kitchen.  2.we saw an accident while we were travelling by car yesterday evening  3. ann fell asleep while she was waiting her friend from work  4. the television was on, but nobody was interesting in it.  перевод: 1. дверной звонок прозвенел, пока я готовил мой ужин на кухне  2. мы видели происшествие, пока (когда) путешествовали на машине вчера вечером  3. анна уснула, пока ждала своего друга с работы  4. телевизор был включен, но это никого не интересовало. 

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