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My car has a radio a CD player. (but, or, and) Sharon hates to listen to rap music, will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)

Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)

I’m afraid of heights, I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor)

I have to be on time, my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)

Do you like chocolate vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)

I have to go to work at six, I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)

I was on time, everyone else was late. (so, but, for)

Nadia doesn’t like to drive, she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)

Our trip to the museum was interesting, there were several new artifacts on display. (but, for, yet)
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Christmas day is celebrated on december 25. christmas tree stand`s in everybody`s living-room at cristmas. the first weekday after christmas is a public holiday, in england it is called boxing day. in past times it was the traditional day to give presents to servants. christmas is a time for eating. the traditional food is turkey, christmas cake,christmas pudding made of fruit. some families make pudding a year befour they eat it. believe it or not, in a year they eat the pudding with great pleasure. рождество отмечается 25 декабря. в каждом доме на рождество стоит рождественская ёлка. первый рабочий день после рождества- это всенародный праздник, в он называется день сундука.в последнее время стало традицией в этот день дарить подарки служащим. рождество-это время еды. традиционный блюда-индейка, рождественский торт,рождественский фруктовый пудинг. некоторые семьи готовят пудинг за год до того,как его съедят. хотите верьте,хотите нет,через год они едят пудинг с большим удовольствием.

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