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2 Put the verbs in brackets into the
present perfect or the past simple.
Hi Jessica,
We 1)
(just/return) from Scotland. We
(spend) the weekend at Tulloch
Hall, a haunted castle! It was built in the 12th century, but
(be) a hotel for the last few years. I
(do) a lot of research about it over the
last few months and really wanted to visit.
15) (not/believe) the rumours that there are
ghosts there, until I 6)
(see) the ghost of a
young woman floating down the hallway, 17)
(never/be) so terrified in my life. 18) (scream)
so loud I scared everyone! Tom still doesn't believe me. He
tells me 19)
(see) too many horror films!
Have to go now. Write back.

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will have completing

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