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1: involving the management of relationships between countries or people

3: a leader who has complete power in a country/organization and has not been elected by the people

5: controlled by one leader who has total power, and who does not allow anyone else to make decisions

7: a person or thing that makes someone enthusiastic about doing something

11: making choices quickly and surely, without having any doubts

12: the duty or use that someone or something usually has or is expected to have

14: the person who is responsible for managing a company, store, etc., or a department of a company, etc.

15: a person who causes something to happen, especially something bad

17: reasonable and based on good judgment

18: something that makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life

По вертикали
1: a person with experience in a job who supports and advises someone with less experience to help them develop in their work

3: person or company can work in different ways, at different times, or in different places when it is necessary

4: causing you to feel confident about yourself or eager to learn or do something

6: the person or group that plans and arranges an event or activity

8: a person who tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides totalk about and agree on a solution

9: liking to be with people; friendly

12: a person who manages or controls other people, esp. because of his or her ability or position

14: producing or using original and unusual ideas

15: showing clear thought or reason

16: someone whose job is to provide training for people or to help prepare them for something

17: using resources such as time, materials, or energy well without wasting any

18: a way of doing something, esp. one that is typical of a person,group of people, place, or time

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Give me your dictionary for a moment.

2. Tell it to him, not to me.

3. Where is she? I don't see her.

4. Dr Sandford is a friend of his.

5. What's wrong with her? Is she ill?

6. This is not my copybook. My copybook (= Mine) is in a blue cover.

7. She is better today. Tell the doctor about it.

8. I want to talk to her.

9. Take this flower and give it to Betty.

10. Don't ask us, ask them.

11. This is a bad pencil. I can't write with it.

12. Don't sit on this chair, it has a broken leg.

13. My room is bigger than yours.

14. This is an old book; it has yellow pages.

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