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3. To learn synonymous phrases Ex 3

Teacher reads out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the class.


Asks students to reflect:

- Now I know…

- Now I can…


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Ответы на вопрос:

P{ margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } 1. do women report symptoms of depression more often than men? yes, they do.2. what are the symptoms of depression? the symptoms of depression are general slowing down, neglect of responsibilities, poor memory, inability to concentrate, emotional emptiness, hopelessness, loss of sexual desire, loss of self-esteem, and suicidal thought or actions.3. why do married people get depressed more often than singles? they get depressed more often than singles because of the interpersonal conflicts of married life.4. what are the reasons of depression of elderly people? elderly people may get depressed over physical problems, retirement or loss of beloved ones. 5. what are the reasons of depression of middle-aged adults? middle-aged adults may become depressed when children leave home or goals begin to seem out of reach. 6. children, even babies can also get depressed, can’t they? why? children, even babies can also suffer depression. it’s often related to family conflicts. 7. can depression be treated? yes, it can.translate the following sentences: 1. депрессия – это болезнь, которая поражает людей из любой расовой, этнической и религиозной группы. depression is an illness that affects anyone from every racial, ethnic and religious group.2. женщины от депрессии почти в два раза чаще, чем мужчины.women get depressed twice as often as men.3. выход на пенсию может быть причиной депрессии. retirement can be the reason of depression.4. школьный психолог избегать межличностных конфликтов в классах. a school psychologist help to avoid the interpersonal conflicts in classes.5. обычно симптомы депрессии у детей проходят быстро. childrens` symptoms od depression usually pass quickly6. потеря полового влечения может к суицидальным мыслям и поступкам. loss of sexual desire can lead to suicidal thoughts.7. лечение депрессии, также как и большинства других заболеваний, наиболее эффективно, если оно начато в начале заболевания. treatment of depression, as with the most illnesses, is most effective when it’s begun early.

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